San Diego Certified Public Accounting Firm Since 1984

San Diego Tax Preparation Services


Thomas Huckabee CPA of San Diego is dedicated to providing the residents and small business owners of San Diego County an accounting and tax preparation organization they can rely on for the past 32 years.   

We are in the business of Saving you Money

Thomas Huckabee CPA knows the Tax laws, and can most likely get you a larger refund by finding legitimate business deductions and tax loopholes that are often overlooked. Our Tax Preparations Services Cover;       

Individual Tax Preparation    

Welcome to San Diego’s most trusted CPA accounting firm, Thomas Huckabee CPA offers individual tax services to help in your personal tax preparation and filing each year. Each year Federal, state and local tax laws are constantly changing.  Our professional CPA team stays up-to-date with all the latest legislative tax code changes to ensure the best possible advice and outcomes for our clients.  Staying knowledgeable with varying federal and state laws gives us a specialized insight to providing our clients with the most applicable deductions to your tax forms, as well as understanding key trends in your industry. From mortgage deductions and retirement income to corporate profit and loss statements. We search over 350 deductions and credits to get your taxes done right.    

Small Business Tax Preparation   

As a self employed contractor or small business, there are many legal ways to save money from your tax filings each year.  Our CPA’s stay up-to-date with all the law changes that may apply to small business owners  By Utilizing our small business tax and accounting services, this will help save you time and money with taking advantage of applicable credits and deductions. Our small business tax services include:  

  • Tax preparation
  • Tax Filing
  • Finding and utilizing deductions
  • IRS records and audits
  • Health Insurance and workers comp tax laws

S-Corporation Tax Preparation    

Tax filing for S-corporations can often be a timely and complicated process, because it requires balance sheets, shareholder information, financial statements, schedule K-1s, sales returns, and more. S corporations elect to pass corporate income, losses, deductions, and credits through to their shareholders for federal tax purposes. S corporations avoid double taxation on corporate income because they report the flow-through of income and losses on their personal tax returns and are assessed tax at their individual income tax rates

Thomas Huckabee CPA’s S-Corporation Tax Preparation Services help hundreds of companies by analyzing their financial statements to ensure that all the correct information and forms are complete before filing. In order to be prepare for your individual return, the S-Corporation needs to fill out the IRS Form 1120s and make sure it is filed by March 15th.  

C-Corporation Tax Preparation  

A C-Corporation is a company that is taxed separately from its owners under the United States Federal Income Tax Law, has more than 100 shareholders, seeks venture capital, takes on equity investors or may go public.  In general C-Corps usually have a large amount of investors and  shareholders, various forms are needed to file taxes under it.  Our C-Corporation Tax Preparation Services will thoroughly examine all the pertinent financial documents to make sure everything is completed accurately to avoid any issues that may arise.    Due to a C-corps complexity, different filing forms and processes required.  All the possible forms that may need to completed and filed for your C-Corporation include:  

  • Income Tax – IRS Form 1120 – Corporation Income Tax Return
  • Estimated Tax – IRS Form 1120-W – Estimated Tax for Corporations
  • Employment Taxes – 941 – Employer’s Quarterly Federal Tax Return
  • 943 – Employer’s Annual Federal Tax Return for Agricultural Employees
  • 940 – Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment Tax Return

Limited Partnership Tax Preparation   

In most Limited Partnerships, there is a least one or more partners that act as a limited partner while at least one will act as a general partner.   Though the roles and responsibilities may differ among each partner, they all are obligated to file some type of tax form to the IRS.  Business Tax Preparations for Limited Partnerships include completing and filing a number of different types of tax forms, often dependant on the partnership’s financial business status and the role of each partner in the company.   Thomas Huckabee CPA’s San Diego tax specialists can help you to determine which forms are required and we can help to ensure that the taxes for your Limited Partnership are filed on time and correctly.   Our Limited Partnerships Tax Services Include :   

  • In general Limited Partnerships file the (Form 1065)
  • It also reports to each individual partner his share of items of partnership income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits (on Schedule K-1, Form 1065).      

Thomas Huckabee CPA  offers a wide spectrum of services including tax planning and preparation for individuals, Small business, S-Corps, C-Corps, LLCs, Partnerships and Limited partnerships.  We have the experience and expertise to minimize your tax liabilities and preserve your wealth.

Contact Us for a Consultation Today